Telematics Industry Overview

With the extensive application of state-of-the-art technologies such as AI, IoT and 5G, plus the ever expanding automobile market. The telematics industry is therefore having a valuable opportunity for development. The current industrialization of telematics in our country has built itself an edge, but meanwhile challenges come alongside.

The advantages

The increasing demand for vehicle in our country goes with the development of economy, society and urbanization. It goes without a doubt; the humongous automobile market has become one of the biggest supports for the growth of local telematics service and telematics device.

The industrialization of telematics has stated to gain attention from the authority, aside from market advantage.

With the support of two pillars (market and politics), telematics industry is looking to strive and further live up to its potential.

Existing Issues and challenges

Currently the local telematics technology development has on smooth-sailing, also technical outcomes have been more actively applied and the market trend is looking up. Nonetheless, some issues and challenges must be dealt with at the course of industrialization:

Primarily, a lack of core technology.

Secondly, ‘Island’ Effect.

Lastly, safety hazard.

In general, although telematics industry has been placed under the spotlights, no sophisticated industrial ecosystem or leading enterprise has been fully formed yet. Therefore, challenges co-exist with opportunity. Down the road, should laws, regulations, infrastructure and collaborations were established, that would mean the era of of telematics is here.



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